This is a conventional Farey single arm trap mounted on an original folded galvanised steel base. It was owned by a small club with a whole fleet of Fareys which were all swapped before they had been used to any great extent. The cocking action is standard right handed over-centre but with a rear mounted lever to launch the trap, this is a rather nice system and produces a satisfying clunk from underneath when reloading.
The mainshaft and bronze bushes are good, the drive rubber looks to be original, the spring has been replaced and a new teal clip and rubber stop have fitted.
Elevation adjustment is by a single 19mm spanner, there is a standard seat cushion in the pictures but by the time you have the trap there will be full set of ground pegs and a new seat, I forgot the pegs and this seat has been damaged since listing.
The trap will come off the base easily for transportation – the outfit is heavy and a bit awkward for one person to carry if it stays bolted together but these traps will last forever if they are looked after.£140 (+£30 delivery)